Regulatory Committee - Thursday 25 January 2024, 10:30am - South Gloucestershire Council Webcasting
Regulatory Committee
Thursday, 25th January 2024 at 10:30am
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Here we livestream committee meetings including Full Council to improve openness, understanding and accountability of local decision making.
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Ron Hardie
Cllr Ron Hardie
Cllr John Bradbury
Cllr Cheryl Kirby
Cllr Mike Drew
Cllr Raj Sood
Cllr Keith Cranney
Cllr Becky Romaine
Cllr Carol Strange
Cllr Ben Randals
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Paul Johnson
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Agenda item :
1 Welcome and Introductions
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Agenda item :
2 Apologies for Absence
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Cllr Sean Rhodes
Agenda item :
3 Evacuation Procedure
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Agenda item :
4 Declarations of Interest under The Localism Act 2011
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Cllr Sean Rhodes
Agenda item :
5 Any Other Items that the Chair Decides are Urgent
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Agenda item :
6 Minutes of the Meeting Held on the 16 November 2023
Agenda item :
7 Items from Members
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Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Agenda item :
8 Items from the Public
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Agenda item :
9 Public Rights of Way Progress List
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Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Keith Cranney
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Keith Cranney
Cllr Keith Cranney
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Mike Drew
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Agenda item :
10 Licensing Fees and Charges 2024/25
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Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Raj Sood
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Keith Cranney
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Agenda item :
11 Annual Review of Hackney Carriage Fares
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Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Keith Cranney
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Keith Cranney
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Keith Cranney
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Cllr Sean Rhodes
Webcast Finished
- mins161123, opens in new tab
- Progress List, opens in new tab
- Report, opens in new tab
- APPENDIX 1, opens in new tab
- APPENDIX 2, opens in new tab
- APPENDIX 3, opens in new tab
- Report, opens in new tab
- HCAPPENDIX 1, opens in new tab
- HCAPPENDIX 2, opens in new tab
- HCAPPENDIX 3, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4, opens in new tab