Health Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 15 March 2023, 10:30am - South Gloucestershire Council Webcasting
Health Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 15th March 2023 at 10:30am
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1 Welcome and Introductions
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Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Agenda item :
2 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
3 Evacuation Procedure
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Agenda item :
4 Declarations of Interest Under the Localism Act 2011
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Agenda item :
5 Submissions from the Public
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Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr John O`Neill
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr John O`Neill
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr April Begley
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Agenda item :
9 Thornbury and Frenchay Hospital sites Redevelopment – progress update
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Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr John O`Neill
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Agenda item :
6 Minutes of the Meeting held on 25 January 2023
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Agenda item :
7 Any other items which the Chair considers urgent
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Agenda item :
8 Urgent and Emergency Care update
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Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr John O`Neill
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr John Gawn
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr John Gawn
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr John Gawn
Cllr John Gawn
Cllr John Gawn
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Liz Brennan
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Vicky Marriot
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr John Gawn
Cllr John Gawn
Cllr John Gawn
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Robert Griffin
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Agenda item :
10 Southmead Hospital No Criteria to Reside and Bed Occupancy
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Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr April Begley
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr John O`Neill
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Agenda item :
11 Healthwatch update
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Vicky Marriot
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr John O`Neill
Vicky Marriot
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Liz Brennan
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Vicky Marriot
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Andrea Reid
Vicky Marriot
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Liz Brennan
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Agenda item :
12 Health & Wellbeing Board Forward Plan
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Agenda item :
13 Work Programme
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Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr John Gawn
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr John O`Neill
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Vicky Marriot
Cllr Andrea Reid
Vicky Marriot
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Cllr Liz Brennan
Cllr Sarah Pomfret
Webcast Finished
- Draft minutes 25 January 2023, opens in new tab
- HOSC cover paper UEC March 23, opens in new tab
- BNSSG UEC Minors Programme Evaluation Report - Aug 2022 - Final Published Version, opens in new tab
- UEC Presentation - S Glos HOSC Feb 23 v6, opens in new tab
- Briefing on Thornbury and Frenchay, opens in new tab
- North Bristol NHS Trust Update on No Criteria to Reside and Bed Occupancy 07.03.23 Final, opens in new tab
- Maternal Mental Health SG findings Healthwatch HOSC March 23, opens in new tab
- Forward Plan 2022-23 v5 Jan 23, opens in new tab
- Work Plan March 2023, opens in new tab