Scrutiny Commission - Wednesday 27 April 2022, 6:30pm - South Gloucestershire Council Webcasting
Scrutiny Commission
Wednesday, 27th April 2022 at 6:30pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Welcome and Introductions
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Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Agenda item :
2 Evacuation Procedure
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Agenda item :
3 Apologies for Absence
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Bridget Bailey
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Agenda item :
4 Declarations of Interest as School Governors
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Agenda item :
5 Declarations of Interest Under the Localism Act 2011
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Agenda item :
6 Items from the Public
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Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Agenda item :
7 Items from Members
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Cllr Claire Young
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr James Griffiths
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr John Gawn
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Sanjay Shambhu
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Steve Reade
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Steve Reade
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Sanjay Shambhu
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Agenda item :
8 Any other item(s) which the Co-Chairs considers urgent
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Agenda item :
9 Minutes of the Scrutiny Commission's meeting of 9 March 2021
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Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Jon Lean
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Bridget Bailey
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Sanjay Shambhu
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
10 a) Council Plan Progress Monitoring: Priority 2
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Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Claire Young
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr James Griffiths
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr James Griffiths
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Claire Young
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Nic Labuschagne
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Nic Labuschagne
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Sandie Davis
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr James Griffiths
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr James Griffiths
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr James Griffiths
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr James Griffiths
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Sandie Davis
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Christopher Wood
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr James Griffiths
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr James Griffiths
Cllr James Griffiths
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr James Griffiths
Cllr James Griffiths
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Sandie Davis
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Claire Young
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Sanjay Shambhu
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Rachael Hunt
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Rachael Hunt
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Rachael Hunt
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Claire Young
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Sandie Davis
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Sandie Davis
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Nic Labuschagne
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Rachael Hunt
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Rachael Hunt
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Rachael Hunt
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Rachael Hunt
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Rachael Hunt
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Sanjay Shambhu
Cllr Rachael Hunt
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Rachael Hunt
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Ian Boulton
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Andrea Reid
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Sandie Davis
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Rachael Hunt
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Agenda item :
10 b) WECA Overview & Scrutiny Committee
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Agenda item :
10 c) WECA Audit Committee
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Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Sanjay Shambhu
Agenda item :
10 b) WECA Overview & Scrutiny Committee
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Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Agenda item :
10 d) Performance Reports
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Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
11 a) Executive Forward Plan
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Cllr Claire Young
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Ben Stokes
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Claire Young
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Agenda item :
11 b) Pre-decision Consultation/Notification by the Executive
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
12 a) Draft Report to Cabinet of the Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) Task & Finish Group
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Cllr Claire Young
Cllr Ian Boulton
Bridget Bailey
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Agenda item :
12 b) Update of the task and finish groups
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Agenda item :
12 c) Budget Task Group Update
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Cllr Brenda Langley
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Cllr Christopher Wood
Cllr Maggie Tyrrell
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
- SC Draft Mins 9 March RH, opens in new tab
- Priority 2 Covering Report Template, opens in new tab
- Action Plans 7-11 Report to Scrutiny April 2022, opens in new tab
- Overview Scrutiny Comments 08042022 1300 West of England Combined Authority Commit, opens in new tab
- Printed plan 1 May 2022 - 31 May 2023 Cabinet, opens in new tab
- Draft Report on template EHCP 18 April 2022, opens in new tab
- Task and Finish Group update, opens in new tab
- Housing Strategy Summary, opens in new tab
- SC Work Programme 2020-21 7.0, opens in new tab